Vets recommend that your pet has its bloodwork done annually for the same reason your doctor recommends that you get bloodwork done at least once per year. Bloodwork is often the key in diagnosing illness or parasitic infection before the condition is allowed to progress. Learn more about the benefits of pet diagnostics bloodwork from Wintermere Pointe Animal Hospital, a veterinarian in Winter Garden and Clermont, FL.


Heartworms can kill your pet. The first sign a pet shows of heartworm infection is a low, persistent cough. By that time, there are likely enough adult heartworms in your pet’s system to do serious damage to your pet. Blood tests check for both juvenile and adult bloodworms. The heartworm prevention medication you give your pet every month only kills juvenile heartworms. A veterinary blood test will make sure the medication is working properly.

Lyme Disease Prevention

Lyme disease is more common in dogs than in cats, but cats can still get very sick from it. Pets that go outside are often most prone to getting Lyme disease. Pets can be infected for weeks before they start showing symptoms, which may come and go. Pets might seem to be better and not get the treatment they need to avoid further complications. A simple blood test from a veterinarian in Winter Garden or elsewhere can help diagnose Lyme disease before symptoms grow in severity.

Organ Function

Bloodwork helps our veterinarian assess how well your pet’s inner organs are working. This is especially important if your pet is on a new medication that can affect kidney or liver function. Any change in inner organ function is cause for more tests to uncover the cause before your pet becomes very sick. Older pets should get bloodwork to check on the function of their organs, as older pets are more likely to suffer from issues affecting internal organ function.


The first sign of leukemia in pets is a large increase in a kind of white blood cell called lymphocytes. This can be detected through pet bloodwork. Early treatment of leukemia helps slow cancer down or put it into remission.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Winter Garden, Clermont, and Windermere 

If you are looking for pet diagnostics in Winter Garden, Clermont, or Windermere, the veterinary professionals at Wintermere Pointe Animal Hospital are ready to assist you. Call us today at (407) 554-3422 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian.